Friday, December 17, 2021

Does Manifesting Work?

 I've long been a fan of the movie/book The Secret. I think as souls or spirits we are capable of more than we can ever imagine. 

Can we create the world we want merely by thinking it into existence? Maybe. I know a lot of those manifesting books will tell you yes, definitely, but can we really get it done? 

I wanted to move to a new state an open a business. 

A woman where I was working at the time told us how her hubby got a new and really great job at a coffee company. She says it was funny because she had been doing her kitchen over in a coffee theme. A kitchen rug with coffee cups, a picture on the wall that said, "But first, Coffee" and other little things that supported the theme.  She gets it done and this great job at a coffee company falls into their lives. 

When we decided on what kind of a business we wanted to open I took the back bedroom of our home and set it up to match the theme of that business.  A year later we're in it. 

When we were about to open our doors the place we were living was an hour away. What a commute, right? So every day as we crossed this long bridge to where out business was located I would look out at the water and repeat; I'm so grateful we have our own home so close to work. I love our home so close to work. Thank you for this wonderful home near our work." Over and over as we crossed the bridge. Then my daughter pops up with, "Hey, do you want to rent my house?" She was moving in with her long time boyfriend. So this new home kind of just showed up in our lives. Was that manifesting? 

So, now think really hard about what you really want and be grateful. Thank the universe as if it's already in your life. Post below and let me know if  when works. 

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