Thursday, October 26, 2023

Find Your Art - Yes you can!

 Need a stress reliever? Something to take your mind off the world?  

👀 Look to the artsy stuff  👀

Drawing or Sketching.  I think this is the easiest of the art
world. Really, there's no wrong. Get some pencils - and no, they don't have to be professionals - a pad or just some paper you have around the house and start. Draw something funny and make up your own rules. No cat has to be perfect, that house if fine if you like it, draw a horse - go for it. Whatever you draw is mainly for one person. You. Get some scribbles down and see where it leads you. The main goal here is just to have fun. 

Painting. The easiest paints to start with are acrylics. They dry fast and you can cover up mistakes with more paint. They've x-rayed some of the works of art by famous artists and found other paintings underneath. Why? Probably because the artist felt like painting and didn't have the cash for more canvas.    You can buy canvas pretty cheap at the dollar store to start. If you like it then check out stores like Michaels for better quality stuff. Tip: Go to you tube and you can see painting tutorials that you can follow along with. Best thing? You can start and stop these so you can keep up and rewind as needed. I learned a lot from You Tube. 

Clay/Sculpting. Wanna get your hands in the mix? You can buy something like Sculpey Clay for an easy and colorful project. And it bakes to a hard finish, too. This is a great project to keep the kids busy and have fun with Mom, too. 

Pour Painting
. Okay, this one is messy! But fun and that's what counts, right? I cover my table with one of those Dollar Store plastic table cloths. Prop up a canvas on a couple of red solo cups and just pour the paint! You can mix your own but they now sell premixed pour paint which makes it super easy. 

If you're not so much into the tactile arts try writing. 

    Fiction of Memoir? Got a story you've been cooking in your brain? Grab a notebook or fire up the computer and get it down on paper/monitor. Don't worry too much about the details. Most first drafts are a messy write anyway. Get the story down and worry about the edit and rewrite later. 

     Try your hand at some poetry. Remember it doesn't have to rhyme. Just tack some words together and let your freak fly. You don't have to share your work unless you want to. Make your poetry your own. Word by word. 

      Another way to get some creativity out is journaling.

Just write down your feeling, goals, dreams or write about that cute guy who smiled at you in the coffee shop. Journals are a great place to dream, fantasize, or even vent on those pet peeves. Your journal can hold photos, quotes you like or prayers. It's yours to do with as you want. Go for it. 

Find your passion or try them all. Call a friend and pour the wine or just take a few minutes over your morning coffee to get creative. 

Art doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be fun!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Planning a Positive Day

One of the Law of Attraction ideas is to write it down and make it happen.

I believe writing it down does two things; it's like a contract. Those few words put down on paper (or computer) bring it a little closer to reality. See it in black and white and it bring your subconscious a little closer to truly believing it can happen.
Second it's like a mantra. Another way to make it real and something that's out there for God or the Universe to bring into your life. 

So how do you plan a positive day? 
     Start with the statement; Today is going to be a great day!
     Then ask for more. 🙏 
     Today something amazing is going to happen. Something wonderful will make me smile. 

These simple statements should be said first thing in the morning. Say it over and over as you get ready to go out and face the day. Let your mind believe it. 

 Now as you go through your day be on the look out for those good things you might have otherwise missed. Did you get an unexpected compliment from a coworker? Did someone bring donuts for the group? Did you see a butterfly or Blue Jay near by. Remember all these little things can make your day beautiful. 

Crazy days happen to everyone. Be the one who looks for the good in situations. Have to wait in line somewhere? Well, that's 5 minutes you can just relax. Grumpy coworker? Ask if they're okay. You might be the only person who checks on them that day. 
Look for the good in the world. Sometimes we fail to see the beauty when we're only concentrating on the negative. 

Have a joy filled day!

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Regaining Positivity

 Some days it's sooo hard to be positive, to get that positivity back when it fails, when a careless remark causes your heart to break and all positive thoughts to flee. 

>Insert depressive thoughts here<


Before depression overtakes, it's time to reach out. Seek out things or people  that make you happy or do some research on how to lift yourself up. 

I know depression is sometimes a comfort place, if that doesn't sound too weird, but it is something easy to wallow in. 


Step out of the swamp that is depression and negativity and shake yourself off and look around. Seek nature, friends, hobbies and if you don't feel like it...TOUGH! Do it anyway. Seek your path and take a chance on finding something to make you feel better. 

There are so many self help books out there a quick google search will pull up lots of suggestions. I think if you go this way you kind of need to try them on for size. Don't discount them just because one didn't speak to you. I've read/listened to a few and some resonated and others left me dry. 

One thing most books have in common is that old Law of Attraction rule. Believe it to be true and it will become true. Then replay, repeat and imagine it already happened. 

What is it you want? Insert here; 

I am happily ___________ my new ___________. 

Now fill in the blanks with "driving, living in, working,"  my new "car, house, job." 

I also think it helps to use words like "dream house" "Awesome car" and other positive words that mean something to you. 

Let's give it a try for a month. Everyday say your new reality. Several times a day. Make it a mantra.

So what's your wish? 

Tell it to the Universe or God or whatever you imagine the higher power or energy source  is out there. Say it everyday no matter how you're feeling. Say it out loud, or in your head or write it down and carry it with you. 

Let me know if it works. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Little Book of Dreams

 One of the prime recommendations in all that manifesting stuff is to write it down. See it, believe it and make it happen. 

I think keeping that belief alive in your heart is one of the hardest parts of manifesting. We all have good and bad days, ups and downs and everyday worries. It's part of our nature. It's stuff we're bombarded with every time we turn on the TV. If the last two years have taught us anything it's that we just have to muddle through the mess to come out on the other side. 

"We'll figure this out."  

One of my favorite sayings and I think I must have gotten it from my mother. Her life wasn't easy but she was always positive. She believed money always came when you needed it. That things work out one way or the other. Of course she had all those Mom related worries, but she was overall a positive person. 

So I've got this "Little Book of Dreams" now to record those manifestations every morning. I'm writing it down and making it happen. 

What's your favorite manifesting tool? Do you write it down? Chant it? Pray? Or just send your wishes into the universe?  Let's share it & hopefully inspire others. 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Does Manifesting Work?

 I've long been a fan of the movie/book The Secret. I think as souls or spirits we are capable of more than we can ever imagine. 

Can we create the world we want merely by thinking it into existence? Maybe. I know a lot of those manifesting books will tell you yes, definitely, but can we really get it done? 

I wanted to move to a new state an open a business. 

A woman where I was working at the time told us how her hubby got a new and really great job at a coffee company. She says it was funny because she had been doing her kitchen over in a coffee theme. A kitchen rug with coffee cups, a picture on the wall that said, "But first, Coffee" and other little things that supported the theme.  She gets it done and this great job at a coffee company falls into their lives. 

When we decided on what kind of a business we wanted to open I took the back bedroom of our home and set it up to match the theme of that business.  A year later we're in it. 

When we were about to open our doors the place we were living was an hour away. What a commute, right? So every day as we crossed this long bridge to where out business was located I would look out at the water and repeat; I'm so grateful we have our own home so close to work. I love our home so close to work. Thank you for this wonderful home near our work." Over and over as we crossed the bridge. Then my daughter pops up with, "Hey, do you want to rent my house?" She was moving in with her long time boyfriend. So this new home kind of just showed up in our lives. Was that manifesting? 

So, now think really hard about what you really want and be grateful. Thank the universe as if it's already in your life. Post below and let me know if  when works. 

When you know, you know